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Fecal Fat Stain

Test Name:Fecal Fat Stain
Epic Order Code:LAB390
CPT Code:89125  
Specimen(s) Type:Feces
Acceptable Container(s):specimen cup with lidSterile container
Testing Schedule:Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Specimens received after 3 p.m. will be processed the following weekday.
Turn Around Time:STAT: NA
 Routine: NA
Collection Information:See Microbiology Collection Information by Source. Patient should be on a diet containing at least 60 grams of fat. No suppository or mineral oil before sample is taken. Pea size sample is sufficient.
Transport Information:Deliver to lab immediately. All specimens must be signed into the laboratory.
Reference Client:If unable to deliver to the lab immediately, store and transport at 2-8° C. Specimen must be received in the lab within 72 hours.
Causes for Rejection:Improperly labeled, incorrect container, contaminated, insufficient quantity, improper/delay in transport.
Reference Range:Normal amount present
Additional Information:This test is a screen for the presence of fecal fatty acids and neutral fat. Increases in neutral fat are commonly associated with pancreatic maldigestion. Increases in fatty acids are likely to be associated with small bowel disease.